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Poetry Portals

Feel the feelings.

Heal the wounds.

Remember your starseed heritage.

Live authentically and with purpose.


                                                               - All poems written by Carly Joy 




fifth dimension mushrooms cosmic stars a

Soul Dance

To ascend into the fifth dimension

First ensure you set the intention 

Then do all things with love

And watch as you rise above 


Above the ashes of your previous existence 

Into your soul’s truest essence 


If you feel lost,

Find the mycelium

Enter the web 

And hear the drums 


Follow the heartbeat,

It makes a song

Sing it loud

And sing it long 


Soon you’ll remember

Who you came here to be 

And your love will echo

For eternity 


Through the cosmos

And in every cave

Love will move,

Forever in waves 


Like the ocean, like a goodbye 

Like a baby’s laugh or a mother’s cry 

Love is the force behind everything 

Love is the song that your soul sings 


I sing my soul’s song 

I dance my soul’s dance 

I enjoy the moment 

I take every chance 


The wind is at my back

The sun warms my face

No longer do I struggle 

The universe, we embrace


There’s so much love

Available to us all

But if you’re always looking down

Then you’ll most likely fall


So look up at the stars

And remember your home

I know sometimes earth is scary 

But you’re never alone 


Remember our mission

We are here to serve 

We must wake up the humans 

Let’s work up the nerve 


We must be brave 

And choose to love everyday

It starts with ourselves 

“I love you,” please do say 


Say it to yourself 

When you look in the mirror 

Do it every night 

And it will all become clearer 


You will start to see 

All the programming and lies

We’ve been conditioned

To shrink instead of rise 


Create your own rules

And send into the world 

Believe in yourself,

Let’s teach the boys, the two-spirits, and the girls 


We are love

And only love is real

Open your heart

It’s the only way to heal 


Look to the mushrooms 

Look to the sky

Ask your soul questions 

It always knows why


Get quiet for answers 

Be loud with your truth 

You’re a new earth leader

And here’s the proof


If you’re attracted to these words

Your soul knows who you are

You’re a starseed

And you’ve come so far 


So far from the cosmos 

You came down to earth 

To help humanity ascend 

For a reset, a rebirth 


Allow it to happen

Trust in your heart

Listen to its whispers 

Create your art


When you live with intention

And you focus on love

The momentum will build

There will be help from above 


You don’t need to know how

Just focus on your “why”

Take one step at a time

And you will fly high 

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Vulnerable Remedy

Tell me your secrets

And i’ll tell you mine

I want to witness you

Both human and divine


Will you turn away 

In fear and disgust?

Will you see me as despicable 

And fall out of lust?


I just worry that I am unlovable

It keeps me up at night


If you see the totality of me

The darkness and the light


Intimacy is a difficult thing

We want to showcase the beauty

And tuck away the shadows of the night


“The remedy,”

The angels whisper to me

“Is loving yourself and

treating yourself like a queen”


“Know that you are worthy

Of the life you desire

Know that you’re whole,

human, water and fire,


You are earth and air too

The same water that makes the oceans blue


You are green just like the trees

And you sting sharp just like the beets

You have a sweetness in your nectar like the flowers

And you shine like the moon in the nighttime hours


You are sunshine 

and summer 

and winter 

and fall

You are the springtime,

the night, 

the day, 

You are it all

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A New Day

A new day.

Hope for the love that sees clearly

The divinity within


For any doubt is fear

Clouding your vision


Along the way 

You forgot

How to trust

Your inner knowing


Remember that it is there

And know you are fine-tuning

And strengthening it

Each day


For in you is great power

And about you is great magic


The slow uncovering of love

Is powerful enough

To move mountains



For you, yourself,

Are a mountain



And steady

And sure




And pure



For your words

Contain power


Your words

Create your world

Your words 

Are pure magic

They bring all into being

Fan the Flames

I connect with the flame within 

I give it wood and oxygen 


Warmth radiating like summer sun

Playful and expressive, free and fun


I reconnect with my inner child 

I allow her to be seen and heard 

I indulge her desires

Encourage her to release her shame 


Shame for wanting more

Repressing her natural urge to expand

Beyond her limits 

Into the depths and out to the shores 


More, more, more!

Bigger, wider, grander!

I dance and grow larger

My energy lighting up the gander 


Sparkle and shimmer 

Max setting on the switch dimmer 


Glow it up, throw it up, show it up

Love it up, live it up, shine it up

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