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Welcome to
Soul Star Realm

Welcome to Soul Star Realm, a Home for Starseeds.


Connect with the words in this magical realm and remember your true cosmic nature.


Through the poems we FEEL and in reading the stories we HEAL.


Learn about the world of spirit and make your transformation REAL.

A mystical land where you are empowered to be YOU. 

Hello, dear soul! 

My name is Carly Joy, creator of Soul Star Realm

Thanks for stopping by my sparkly corner of the internet. It is my hope that you find comfort and inspiration in the poems, stories, and spiritual guidance shared here.


Everything written in Soul Star Realm is based on my personal experiences, deepest thoughts and feelings, and how I alchemized my pain + trauma into healing, love, and self-acceptance.


About a decade ago, I felt so fed up and frustrated with life. I felt there was more to life than working, paying bills, feeling bad about my body, and wishing for the weekend. I dove into the world of energy and spirituality and decided I would transform my mind, my emotional reactions, addictions, and mental health afflictions so I could feel JOY and peace.


I believe that healing is a lifelong process and that I'll always be growing and evolving. But I decided it would be fun to share what I know with you along the way in a magical realm where reality and mysticism blend together and create a whole new world, one I like to call Soul Star Realm.


Soul Star Chakra

The Soul Star Chakra is the 8th chakra. It exists above our heads, above the crown chakra. Soul Star can help us to access to our purpose, our mission, and our cosmic origins.

It’s where we can access memories of our past lives, our soul’s blueprint and unity consciousness.

Soul star connects our earthly being to the spiritual realms. It’s the origin point. It’s the bridge between the seen and unseen.


This website connects you to your Soul Star Chakra: here you can read words that help you to remember your starseed origins.


Have you heard of Starseeds? Most likely you are one if you've found this website.


Starseeds are souls who have lived past lives on other planets or star systems. And now they're here on Earth with a mission to help humanity ascend.


If you feel a deep longing to find your purpose or do meaningful work on this planet (not just run the rat race), then it's most likely your soul urging you to fulfill your Starseed mission.



What can you find in Soul Star Realm?

At Soul Star, we are a big fan of WORDS. Whether it's poems that serve as portals to deep healing, stories that inspire you to alchemize your pain into power, or blog posts that guide you through various aspects of your spiritual journey, we've got you covered. Words can create WORLDS: use your words with intention and watch a new life manifest before your eyes.


Immerse yourself in the words. Connect with Carly Joy for insight and guidance on your journey. And just know, there is always more to come.

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This website is being built in real time. It is ever growing and evolving, just like our souls. We believe that a life of joy is one that embraces imperfections and celebrates progress, no matter how small.
At Soul Star Realm, we accept all of you - the shiny and sweet as well as the shadowy and imperfect.

Keep coming back to see what's new.

Unleash Your Cosmic Potential Today!
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